Industrialization, civilization, advancement of technology and human activities in one way or the other have led to negative paradigm shifts on the environmental conditions. The prime impact has been the vast introduction of contaminants in the air, which adversely affects the eco-system. Heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) equipment are designed to create a clean and comfortable environment by removing all contaminants and allowing for a free flow of quality air. In addition to the supply of healthy air, HVAC products help in increasing productivity. DFW, TX is known to experience varying climatic conditions of extreme heat and cold. In such environments, productivity is slowed down both in residential and commercial environments. HVAC works in bringing stability, thus improving one’s effectiveness. Naturally, contaminated air is a source of diseases, as it carries along bacteria, moisture, harmful gases and dirt that may render one to getting sick. With air purification and conditioning, the dirt and disease-causing microorganisms are eliminated, thus creating a healthy environment for both plant and animal to thrive.